
Ready to get help? We are here for you.
All conversations are confidential



Contact one of our specialists directly on 44946444, they are here to help you during the working hours (7:30 – 15:30 Sunday through Thursday)

You can also stop by Naufar and speak to one of our clinical team during our working hours.

If it’s an emergency, please contact your emergency center.

What will happen once you reach Naufar ?
Once you reach Naufar, our Guest Relation Officer will introduce you to one of our clinical team member who will listen thoroughly to understand your problem.
Before starting your treatment, you will engage in an assessments process for the doctor and nurse better understands your problems and needs.

Together you will develop a treatment plan wither as an outpatient, inpatient, medical assisted treatment or talking therapy.

You are not alone, we have an extensive range of qualified staff with experience in helping people with addiction problems. We will help you overcome the challenges you might face, and help you manage your rehabilitation, recovery and reintegration. We will support you in achieving your recovery and wellness goals and helping you to develop and employ relapse prevention strategies.